
Academia McGinty

¿Por qué elegir McGinty School of English?

Por nuestra trayectoria y eficaz metodología en la que aplicamos los últimos avances tecnológicos para que el aprendizaje sea más interactivo. 

Llevamos mas que 20 años ofreciendo a nuestros alumnos la más completa oferta lectiva en cursos de inglés para todas las necesidades.





¿Cómo empezó todo?


En el año 2000 nuestra academia abrió sus puertas por primera vez en Almería con un nuevo método para aprender inglés basado en el dominio de las cinco destrezas del idioma: escritura, comprensión, lectura, habla y escucha. Desde entonces no hemos parado de cosechar éxitos y abrir nuevos centros McGinty School por toda la provincia de Almería.

Un método de enseñanza eficaz e innovador

Conoce a nuestro Staff

Angus McGinty

Soy de Edimburgo, Escocia. Fundé McGinty School of English en el año 2000. Desde entonces no hemos parado de innovar y crecer. Me encanta el mundo de la enseñanza y mi trabajo, no existen dos días iguales. Me da una enorme satisfacción ver alumnos comenzar su aprendizaje del idioma con nosotros y terminar logrando sus objetivos de obtener una formación completa y con las herramientas necesarias para enfrentarse a un mundo globalizado.

Isabel Sánchez Morales

Administración / Recepción
Soy de Almería y comencé a trabajar en McGinty en 2009, desde entonces me encargo de labores administrativas y atención al cliente. Me encanta trabajar codo con codo con los profesores y ver a nuestros alumnos alcanzar todos sus objetivos.

Estrella Fernández Blanes

Administración / Recepción
Soy de la Alpujarra almeriense y los idiomas siempre fueron mi pasión desde mi infancia. Con anterioridad he trabajado en mediación cultural, asesoramiento laboral y programas de formación. En 2010 comencé a trabajar en McGinty desarrollando labores de administración y atención al cliente. Es una enorme satisfacción para mi poder asesorar y ver crecer a cada uno de nuestros alumnos tanto a nivel educativo como personal.

Chris Johnson

Academic Manager
I am from Newquay in Cornwall, in the South West of England. I have been teaching for 15 years. I have worked in England, Australia, Germany, Seville, Malaga and Almeria. I am passionate about teaching and have also obtained my DELTA (Diploma) and a Masters in teaching English. I have been an academic manager for 8 years and I am now the Academic manager at McGinty. I love teaching all levels from VYL to C2. I have also been a Cambridge examiner for B1, B2 and C1.

Nick Maxwell

Operations Manager
I’m from Birmingham. I´ve been teaching for more than 14 years and apart from the UK, I have worked in Figueres, Las Palmas, Valencia, and Huelva before deciding to move to Almería in 2014. I am now the Operations Manager for the school. I´m also very proficient with IT and help to keep all of the systems running correctly in the school .

Katy Hornby

External Centres Manager
Born and bred in Scotland but I spent most of my life in the South of England before moving to Spain. I have been living and teaching in Almeria for 13 years and am now the External Centres Manager for the school. I love walking through the school patios in our external centres to all the children running up to me to say 'hi' and practice their English! I also love learning and profesional development and recently successfully completed my masters in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, specialising in teacher education.

Sam Pennington

I’m from Manchester and have lived and worked in Spain since 2007 before joining McGinty school in 2012. As a teacher, my aim is to promote a comfortable, relaxed and fun environment for students. I consider myself to be humble, honest and empathetic, especially when working with young learners. I teach all levels, from young learners to adults, which include preparing students for the Official Cambridge English Exams.

Emma Gordon

I’m from Northern Ireland. After qualifying as a primary school teacher, I taught in the UK for 2 years before moving to Spain in 2016. I have taught in both Almería and Benalmádena, but have always felt happier and more at home in Almería, I thoroughly enjoy working at the school and it gives me the greatest pleasure to be able to help students, especially the little ones to learn and excel in the use of English language in a fun and enjoyable way. 

Elena Varas

My name is Elena and I have been teaching English around the world for the last eight years. Teaching English has allowed me to travel and work in many different countries. My favourite place that I’ve been to so far is Cambodia. I also like spending time with my family on the beach, so Almería is an ideal destination. I love Christmas and Christmas jumpers- look out for my Christmas Jumper collection in December each year.

Paulina Serafin

My name is Paulina or Paula. I am originally from Poland but moved to the UK as a child and grew up in Hertfordshire which is just north of London. I worked in England for several years before moving to Almería in 2019. I´ve always had a lot of interest in languages so being an English teacher is truly my dream job as it allows me to impart my love of languages to my students. I really enjoy teaching students of all ages as they all bring something different to the class. Teaching should always be enriching, engaging and fun!

Natalie Oram

I’m from South Africa but have been living in Almeria since 2013. After graduating from university in 2006, I started my teaching career in Japan and then in Moscow, Russia where I continued to study and work (and froze) for two years. I’ve been working at McGinty School of English for the past 9 years as both a teacher and co-coordinator. I pride myself in my ability to teach all ages and levels and the variety is what I like most about working here.

Toby MacMillan

I’ve been teaching for over 20 years. I´ve taught in many different countries including Sri Lanka, Greece, Andorra and Latin America, to name a few. I arrived in Almería in 2016, after having lived in Mexico for 8 years. I teach all ages and abilities and thoroughly enjoy every second of it.

Laura Gibbard

I´m from the Lake District in the UK. I´ve been teaching English for 10 years in Poland, the UK and Spain. I love teaching infants, primary, secondary and adults! Every class is different and I love making them fun, dynamic and engaging.

Anthony O´Callaghan

I`m from Eastbourne in The United Kingdom and have been teaching for over 30 years. I have a lot of experience in education both in the UK and in Spain. Teaching is my vocation, I always wanted to teach as I enjoy the dynamics of the classroom, helping learners to develop their skills and watch them grow in confidence and ability. There is so much satisfaction to being a teacher.

Laura Carreño

More than 12 years teaching English to all levels and ages I love being a teacher and being such an important part of the process of students acquiring a language. I really enjoy working with the youngest students from 3 years old helping them to build longer and more complex sentences, often without even realising. I consider myself a fun and very outgoing person and ensure that my classes are always fun and very dynamic.

Aileen Agosto

I’m from New Jersey, USA and I’ve been living and working in Spain for 6 years. I worked as a primary ESL teacher in the United States before moving abroad as my dream was always to teach English in Spain. I have lived here since 2017 and previously taught in Toledo before moving to Almería. I love teaching students of all ages and all levels. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing my students learn and improve their language every day.

Pamela (Jackie) Stacey

I´m from the UK but have lived in Almería for 22 years now. For the duration of this time I have worked in English academies teaching all levels and ages from young children up to University students and adults I have a very wide range of hobbies and interests which include everything from gardening to motorcycling. I love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, visiting historical monuments and places of cultural interest with my family

David Martinez Gil

I have been involved in education for the last 25 years, both teaching and other aspects of it. I worked in Manchester, Liverpool, Barcelona, Girona and now in Almería. I like teaching different levels and my classes are dynamic and fun, making learning much more enjoyable . I look forward to meeting you in my classes.

Chris Milton

I’m from Aberdeen (Scotland). I’ve been teaching for around 10 years, in various countries including Indonesia, Scotland and Spain. I am a qualified UK school teacher but prefer the wonderful world of English language teaching. I have been with McGinty ever since I moved to Spain. One of the things I love about teaching English is the variety of ages and levels I get to interact with on a daily basis.

Maria Berdasco

I lived abroad for many years and grew up in a bilingual environment. After finishing my University course in The UK, I moved to Almería and have been teaching English for the last 10 years. I love teaching as it allows me to pass on my love of the language to so many students and be an important part of their learning process. I really enjoy teaching different ages and levels from infants to teenagers. Learning English should always be enjoyable and fun with good class dynamics, great results and happy students!

Lynne Davey

I was born in Hertfordshire but spent most of my time living in Cornwall in the South West of England. I came to live in Spain in 2006 and have been teaching English to all ages and levels for 12 years. I love the variety ​that teaching offers, from the infectious enthusiasm of the children to the dedication of the adults. Apart from my passion for teaching I love hiking around Spain and finding new places to explore.

Lien Dusselier

My name is Lien and I’m from Belgium. I initially came to Almería as part of my university course but liked it so much that I moved here full time after graduating. I have been teaching English for the last 12 years, to children of all ages. I love seeing how quickly children learn and how confident they feel when speaking English, especially while having fun.

Rachel Lincoln

I'm from Arizona, USA and was a primary third grade teacher in California until moving to Madrid in 2018. I've been teaching English in Spain ever since! My favourite thing about teaching is connecting with my students. I love seeing them get more comfortable with the language and have fun while reaching their goals.

Aga Stefaniak

I’m Aga, I started teaching English in 2015 and since then I've had the chance to work in several different countries including Poland, Thailand, and now Spain. I love seeing my students improve and especially enjoy teaching very young children, helping them to use the potential of their inquisitive minds- they can absorb so much and so quickly. I believe that every student can achieve mastery with the proper support and encouragement. I create stimulating and fun lessons as well as a friendly atmosphere in every class.

Jeremy (Jedge) Pilbrow

I’m from Brighton. I have been teaching for 28 years in Israel, Lebanon, Germany and now Almeria, I taught at the University of Brighton for 15 years. I have taught academic and business English to University students and adults in Britain and in Germany. I am enjoying the variety of teaching experiences here at McGinty School of English and the challenge of learning Spanish.

Grainne Cranna

I am from a small village in Somerset, in the South West of England. I have previously worked in Cambridge Exam preparation centres in Extremadura and Girona before deciding to move to Almería. I enjoy teaching English to children and adults of all ages, seeing them grow in confidence and ability brings me great satisfaction. It is particularly rewarding when I can see that my students are enjoying speaking English. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, making ceramics and exploring different parts of Spain and its culture.

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